Thank you for your interest in contributing to The Nativity School. Your tax-deductible gift helps us keep school tuition affordable for many of our families.
The Nativity School’s mission is dedicated to Christ-like values taught in a nurturing environment that is academically strong and rich in the spirit of life and love. As you consider your contribution, please remember that The Nativity School is dedicated to the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical development or our children by offering:
A solid Catholic education from our dedicated pastor, principal, and faculty;
Specialty teachers who enhance the core curriculum in the areas of science, technology, art, music, Spanish, and physical education;
Small class sizes with an excellent teacher to student ratio;
A philosophy of education which supports the learning style of each student;
An educational environment fully accredited by the Western Catholic Education Association and Western Association of Schools and Colleges.
You can select from a number of existing scholarship opportunities which are earmarked for specific funding programs or contact the school to set up one that meets a special need of the school, start an endowment or scholarship fund, a living will or trust fund, or a unique one time gift.
JOSH BROYLES MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Created in honor of a Nativity parishioner, funds donated to this program help fund tuition for students with financial need that that show academic promise.
TANAKA TECHNOLOGY FUND: All gifts given toward this fund are used toward technology upgrades, devices, and programs to ensure that students are properly prepared for education in the 21st century.
STAR CAMPAIGN: One month campaign to help close the funding gap between tuition and the actual operating cost of the school. This intentional gap is created with the goal of keeping tuition affordable for all interested students while trusting in the philanthropy of our community to provide our school with the means necessary to meet all operating costs.