Holy Family Statue

The Nativity School Student Learning Expectations (SLE)

We strive to graduate STAR students who always try to do their personal best to achieve the following attributes:

Steadfast Christian who:

  • Demonstrates an understanding of our Catholic Faith

  • Participates in the sacramental life and prayer life of the Church

  • Lives the Gospel, practices virtues, and follows Catholic traditions

Thinker who:

  • Demonstrates good study skills and a desire to learn

  • Strives to be a self-motivated and dedicated student

  • Uses knowledge and critical thinking skills to solve problems

Active communicator who:

  • Listens attentively and responds courteously

  • Expresses emotions and opinions in a confident and appropriate manner

  • Cooperates and collaborates with others

Responsible citizen who:

  • Shows respect and compassion toward everyone

  • Demonstrates a desire to serve others and care for the environment

  • Practices self-discipline