Technology opens doors to knowledge, creativity, and endless possibilities. Technology is used as a tool to reinforce, extend, and enrich what students are learning in the classroom. Students work on projects and conduct research on the computer or iPad individually, in small groups, and in class groups. The use of technology allows learners to develop their unique abilities, to communicate effectively, to think critically and creatively, and to increase productivity using a variety of technological resources. Students receive computer literacy and digital citizenship instruction while using age-appropriate software. Additionally, students in grades 1-4 receive instruction in keyboarding in order to use the computer efficiently as a word processing tool. The students are taught how to use technology properly and appropriately, and that is one aspect of a well-rounded student. At The Nativity School, we encourage students to learn the skills needed to utilize technology correctly and to be able to make decisions on the best tool to use for the task at hand. We provide one-to-one laptops to students in grades 1-4 and one-to-one iPads to students in grades 5-8.
Each year, our middle school students have the honor of creating our school’s yearbook. In sixth grade, students learn the basics of photography and how to vividly caption each moment. In seventh grade, students advance their skills and responsibilities by publishing our school’s digital newspaper, The Nativity Times. Finally, in eighth grade, the yearbook staff memorializes their time as Nativity Stars by producing the yearbook. The publication celebrates their journey and strives to maintain the tradition of excellence inherent in our school and community.
Our 2019-2020 yearbook staff was recognized as a Josten's National Yearbook Program of Excellence.