We are focused on building student leaders. To facilitate that goal, we have a student leadership council here at the Nativity School. We want students who have the energy and time to lead and serve their classmates to be encouraged to do so. Students interested in planning social activities, broadcasting the campus news, teaching service to the other students, and delving deeper into their faith are all encouraged to join our Student Leadership Council. Students must apply, very similar to a job, because we want them to understand it as a duty, not as a popularity contest.
In addition to a formal school wide council, there are individual classroom leadership ambassador roles that range from assisting the teachers and room parents with classroom responsibilities to touring and hosting prospective students during shadow days and open house.
Our school uses John Wooden's Pyramid of Success and the tenets of servant leadership to prepare our students to lead and collaborate with one another in all aspects of student life. These lessons and training are incorporated into the curriculum and through special programming in an age appropriate manner throughout each school year.